Lady look

You know that big old houses you see on Disney movies and wonder how they look inside? With huge wooden doors and long steps which goes to them? Many, big balconies and flowers? That kind of the house was few streets away in my child hood . I stood in front of it for so many times ,with closed eyes ,imagining my self opening the heavy door and crossing in side. Seeing big crystal chandelier, opened windows and light wind playing with curtain.  I've always imagine there was one room,the biggest room in the house with white ,softy ,cozy bed on the right , huge wardrobe on left and opened balcony door in front. I imagine myself living there ... I imagine my self that way even now. You are probably asking yourself why in a hell a fashion blogger write this kind of the things on blog? But I got the explanation . I recently ordered new clothes from Dresslink . Black and white top and skirt. And when I finally received and dressed  it I stood in from of my mirror for a couple of minutes holding my breath . Images cross my head. I saw my self in that one big room I told you . I looked like a lady. I felt that way too. I hold the skirt with my hands and made a circle . I stood again. I saw my mother face in a mirror - she was proud! I grow up.

Jeste li nekada odlutali na trenutak gledajuci neki Diznijev crtani film zamišljaljući sebe u nekom od dvoraca ili velikih starih kuća? Znate , onih sa velikim belim stepeništem , ogromnim vratima sa čeličnim ukrasima. Sa velikim balkonima punim cveća? Pa..ja sebe jesam. U mom komšiluku iz detinjstva ,nalazi se jedna takva vila. Često sam zastajkivala kao mala ispred nje i maštala. Kako koračam stepeništem,otvaram teška vrata kuće i ulazim unutra. Povetarac pomera bele zavese i kristale lustera. Kristali bacaju sitne iskre svetlosti po zidovima. Tišina. Nigde nikoga. Na spratu sobe, i soba. Jedna. Najveća od svih, sa velikim belim krevetom desno, ogromnim ormanom levo kraj koga je ogledalo. Znate ono elipsastog oblika sa metalnim ukasnim nogama. A pravo. Pravo su vrata terase. Velike terase pune cveća...
Skoro sam oblačeći novu dugu suknju i top srela svoj odraz u ogledalu.Izgledala sam damski. Odlutala sam u jednu ovakvu vilu koju sam zamišljala u detinjstvu. Rukama sam uhvatila ivice suknje i zavrtela se u krug, Kada sam stala, videla lice moje mame u ogledalu. Bila je ponosna. Njena ćerka je izgledala odraslo.




beba gottel


A little bit a about the clothes

I'm not really a person who likes buying online. You can not try the clothes, you got no idea how it fits you and the the end , you are not really convinced you will received what you ordered. I recently read e-mail from Dresslink about their special offers and free shipping and also words about cooperation. When I opened their website I was pretty amazing stuff . The prices were very low (and still are) and clothes was interesting  . So I ordered . I found the help book for sizes and give them I try. I'm really impressed with stuff I got from them and really interested in long term cooperation. You can find my skirt and top HERE but also don't hesitate to roll up more and see the rest of their collection. Hope you gonna find something for yourself. ;)

Nešto o odeći koja je na meni

Skoro sam primila e-mail od Dresslink kompanije za prodaju odeće online. Ja nisam neki preterani fan takve kupovine jer ne znate sta će vam stići,kako stoji i kakav je uopšte materijal . Čula sam mnogo kritika od drugih devojaka i sama se nikada nisam usuđivala na takav korak. Međutim kako je ova ponuda bila i više nego dobra , jer sam dobila odeću kako bi uspostavili saradnju , rešila sam  da ipak odaberem nešto iz njihove kolekcije. Moram vam priznati cene su vrlo,vrlo niske a modeli su lepi. Dobra strana je i sto ispod svakog proizvoda postoji recenzija kao i slike odeće koje su realne i uslikane od strane devojaka koje su to poručile. Ja sam lično prezadovoljna ovim što je stiglo ( a komplet koji ja noism možete naći OVDE ) Isporuka brodom je besplatna ,plaća se samo poštarina kroz Srbiju. Moje tople preporuke :)

I wore : Top and Skirt from Dresslink , Clutch - Orsay , Hat - P.S. Fashion , Heels - Deichmann

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26 коментара:

  1. OMG..just waooo
    in love with you whole whole look...
    I will really appreciate if could you visit my blog and
    follow me. I will follow you back for sure :)
    Have a nice day!
    Diaries of a hidden Fashionista

  2. What a pretty look dear! That skirt is gorgeous! :)

  3. Beautiful Beba! This is a spectacular look!

    Kisses xx Tamara Chloé

    1. You look for real like a lady, Aleksandra! Love your amazing black and white look, darling! So chic, especially the accessoiries are totally on point!!
      I'm sure your mother would be even more than proud of you. <3

      xoxo Ira

  4. Wow! this outfit is the absolute BOMB! you look so sexy and chic :)

    Jessica |

  5. You look great in that outfit! Love that skirt! :)

    Gorgeous shoes too! :)

    YouTube | Blog: Geekette in High Heels | Instagram

  6. Imposing!

    Have a great start of the week :)


  7. Thanks a lot for following my blog and visiting
    Followed back <3
    Keep in touch
    Diaries of a hidden Fashionista

  8. Beautiful!!

    Moj blog:

  9. Great post!!Do you want to support each other's blog by following each other?:) Please let me know if you do so I can follow you back!!!kiss

  10. great photos! love the skirt

  11. Divno ti stoji šešir! Baš mi se dopada kako se uklopio u celu ovu kombinaciju.

  12. Preciosa, tu top y la pamela son divinos...
    Besitos, Emi

  13. I love how you clearly described a big mansion because it was easy for me to picture it! I do see a mansion and yourself with that outfit looking fashionably stylish!


  14. So feminine & pretty! Love!

    God bless,
    XO, Claire

  15. Awesome! Love everything about this outfit!

  16. You look like a princess!! What an adorable outfit <3

  17. That's exactly I always feel when I wear my maxi skirts and dress... I feel like one of those princess.. Waving my skirt... My friends would laugh at me when I do that at the stair of the mall. :D
    Lovely outfit you from Dresslink cant wait for mine to arrive!

    (◕‿◕✿) | Bloglovin | Instagram

  18. great style, love the look!

  19. OMG great post, can't wait to read the next one!!
    Thanks a bunch for your support on my blog


Thank you for you time
